Katie Collins Scott

Katie Collins Scott has been an NCR staff reporter since May 2022. Based in Portland, Oregon, she attended the University of Notre Dame and graduated from the University of Dallas. Her email address is kcscott@ncronline.org. Follow her on Twitter at @KatieCScott.

Oct 18, 2023
Oct 11, 2023
Oct 07, 2023
Sep 13, 2023
Sep 12, 2023
Jul 31, 2023
Jul 13, 2023
Jun 28, 2023
Jun 26, 2023
Jun 23, 2023
Jun 14, 2023
Jun 07, 2023
May 30, 2023
May 23, 2023
May 03, 2023
Apr 20, 2023
Apr 11, 2023
Mar 21, 2023
Mar 14, 2023
Mar 09, 2023
